Low Cost Oil Tank Decommissioning

So the day has come when you have to do something about the old oil tank in your yard. Maybe you are in the middle of a real estate transaction and the issue has come up. Maybe you abandoned the oil tank many years ago after converting heat sources or purchased the property with a tank a while back when regulations where looser and you did not have to do anything. Maybe you are currently in the middle of a renovation/heat source conversion and you are looking to take your oil tank out of service.

The Department of Ecology and most cities, towns, local fire departments and mortgage lenders, insurance companies and realtors require that something be done with your underground heating oil storage tank.

Tank decommissioning is something that you can do if you are not insured through any insurance program or do not want to remove your tank as to not disturb you yard or maybe the tank is in a difficult area. The cost is around $850.00 to $1500.00 depending on area and tank size (average 300 to 500 gallon size, with tanks over 500 gallons costing more).

A permit is generally pulled for taking the tank out of service (when required depending on jurisdiction, city or the local fire department) the tank is pumped out and triple rinsed with water and filled with a foam or a sand slurry mix. Vent and fill pipe are cut down below ground level and capped.

Tank decommissioning does not absolve you from any liability from leaks or potential contamination issues if the storage tank has been leaking. You can possibly be held liable for contamination issues when you sell your property in the future. During a real estate transaction you will have to fill out a form called: Form 17 Sellers disclosure statement improved property. On page 4 section 7 line E of this form you will still have to disclose you have a tank on the property so you will need to say yes.

Action Oil Tank Removal LLC does not check your tank for leaking at the time we perform a tank decommissioning unless you ask us to do so or it is a permit required item in your jurisdiction -please call and ask.

A tank decommissioning is simply just a way to take your unused heating oil underground storage tank out of service in a known legal manner.

For any further information please get a hold of us.